
First Lady #GimmeFive Challenge

With the fifth year anniversary of the Let's Move campaign the First Lady has challenged people to give her a list of 5 things they're doing to live a healthier life.  Here's my list for all you mommy's!

#GimmeFive mommy's edition:

1.  Play with your kids and get your heart pumping.  I like to do swats and lunges with my 10 month old son in the baby carrier, it adds a bit of weight.  I run around and play "P.E." with my 3 year old daughter, it get her moving too!

2.  Let your kids see you eat what they should eat.  It will not only make you eat healthier but you will also be setting a great example for them.

3.  Take time to distress, even if that means being away from your family.  Stress has been shown to affect how our body digests and absorbs nutrients.

4.  Don't forget to hydrate.  Water plays a lot of roles in the body including acting as a solvent for vitamins and minerals that are consumed.  Without water most of the bodily processes would cease.

5.  Get some sleep!  People who get 6-8 hours of sleep each night tend to eat less and in turn weigh less than those who are continuously sleep deprived.

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