Morning snack - pumpkin pancakes and a tad of syrup
Lunch - 1/2 pita stuffed with hummus, avocado, turkey and shredded cheese, pretzel sticks and apples
Afternoon snack - clementines and pistachios
I recently read an article that I found really interesting. It's an article about preschool obesity and how we can change how much a child eats by feeding him/her carbohydrates that have a slow digestion rate. Hypothetically this advice doesn't just apply to those who are obese, but it would likely be most useful in weight management for those children. (Citation: Alviña, M., & Araya, H. (2003). Rapid carbohydrate
digestion rate produced lesser short-term satiety in obese preschool children. European
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 637-642.)
So I thought, what the heck is a slow digestion rate carbohydrate? (I'm sure you're wondering too ;-p) Well surely you've all heard of the glycemic index. Foods that have a slow digestion rate are those that have a low glycemic number. This basically means that the sugars found in the food will be absorbed and digested more slowly. To find and compare foods check out this website. If you just want examples then check out this website.
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